Austin Lounge Lizards Follow

Mourning Edition lyrics

(Hank Card/Conrad Deisler)
The dollar is falling on the japanese market
The Nikei industrial average is shooting up like a rocket
Nervous investors satisfying their craving for yen
And no one is certain which state the economy's in
And now I am waking; now I'm in the shower
And here are the headlines at ten 'til the hour
Gold prices are rising in Paris and London they say
The precious metal is having a wonderful day
And now it is eight; every day it seems later
Can this be my fate? Will there be nothing greater?
I go to the office and back on the freeway and then
I wake up in the morning to the voice of Bob Edwards again

Mourning Edition Video

Austin Lounge Lizards — "The Drugs I Need": Satirical salute to the pharmaceutical cornucopia we're offered every day through enticing advertising and hard-core come-ons. "Do you go to bed every night?... (video from YouTube)

Thanks to Deshawn for submitting the lyrics.
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