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Act 1. 2. Song and Chorus. A wandering minstrel I lyrics
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Part of these releases
Popular Arthur Sullivan & Sir Charles Mackerras Songs
- Act 1. 6. Chorus of Schoolgirls. Comes a train of little ladies
- Act 1. 1. Chorus of Nobles. If you want to know who we are
- Act 2. 7. Trio and Chorus. The criminal cried as he dropped him down
- Act 2. 10. Recitative and Song. Alone, and yet alive
- Act 1. 4. Song. Young man, despair, likewise go to
- Act 2. 3. Madrigal. Brightly dawns our wedding day
- Act 1. 7. Trio. Three little maids from school are we
- Act 1. 10. Trio. I am so proud
- Act 2. 8. Quintet. See how the Fates their gifts allot
- Act 2. 11. Song. On a tree by a river, a little tom-tit sang, "Willow, tit-willow"
- see all by Arthur Sullivan & Sir Charles Mackerras
Act 1. 2. Song and Chorus. A wandering minstrel I Video
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