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Dice Are Rolling lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 21 on Evita (1978 original London cast)
- 20 Dangerous Jade, Part 1
- 22 A New Argentina
- Track 10 on Evita: Premiere American Recording Disc 2
- 9 She Is A Diamond
- 11 Eva's Final Broadcast
- Track 12 on Evita Disc 2
- 11 She Is A Diamond
- 13 Eva's Final Broadcast
Popular Andrew Lloyd Webber Songs
- The Overture
- "Growltiger's Last Stand" / "The Ballad of Billy McCaw"
- Balcony – Casa Rosada
- Another Suitcase
- Mungo Jerrie und Rumpel Teazer
- Latin Chant
- Your Little Body's Slowly Breaking Down
- Partido Feminista
- On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada 1
- On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada 2
- see all by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Dice Are Rolling Video
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