Alfred Newman
The Greatest Story Ever Told Lyrics
Disc 1
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Prophecy
- A Prophecy
- Voice in the Wilderness
- A Voice in the Wilderness
- Come Unto Me
- Great Journey
- The Great Journey
- A Time of Wonders
- Time of Wonders
- There Shall Come a Time to Enter
- A New Commandment
- New Commandment
- Hour Has Come
- The Hour Has Come
- Into Thy Hands
- Triumph of the Spirit
- The Triumph of the Spirit
Disc 2
- Overture - Main Title
- And the Word Was God/Trumpets Announce the Dawn/The Three Magi
- The Nativity / The Infant Massacre
- Nativity/The Infant Massacre
- Flight into Egypt
- Ophel Quarters
- Hosanna
- I Will Make You Fishers of Men
- I Will Make You Fisher of Men
- Lilies of the Field
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem/Jesus on Lazarus' Porch/Matthew the Tax Collector
- Rise and You Shall Walk
- Misty Night/Trimuphant Return to Capernaum
- Misty Night / Triumphant Return to Capernaum
- Who Do Men Say That I Am?
- Jesus and His Mother
- Jesus Leaves Nazareth
- Prayer by the Jordan
- Lazarus Come Forth