Alan Menken Follow

Speak Of The Devil lyrics

So today you're gonna leave
But I went out alone
I can't help what you believe
You can't blame it all on me

Speak of the devil
He took me out again last night
He got me drunk and he got me in a fight

He was chasing women
I was just there for the ride
Speak of the devil
He took me out again last night

You say I had my chance
And I didn't change my ways
Well it ain't all my fault
But I still got hell to pay
Well it feels like judgment day

Speak of the devil
He took me out again last night
He got me drunk and he got me in a fight

He was chasing women
I was just there for the ride
Speak of the devil
He took me out again last night

Speak of the devil
He took me out again last night
He got me drunk and he got me in a fight

He was chasing women
I was just there for the ride
Speak of the devil
He took me out again last night

So today you're gonna leave
But I went out alone

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