7-1-3 Lyrics Follow

3-1-1 is a special telephone number supported in many communities in Canada and the United States. The number provides access to non-emergency municipal services. The number format follows the N11 code for a group of short, special-purpose local numbers as designated in the North American Numbering Plan.
3-1-1 creates a central hub for constituents to be able to access a variety of city services. The number 3-1-1 is intended in part to divert routine inquiries and non-urgent community concerns from the 9-1-1 number which is reserved for emergency service. A promotional website for 3-1-1 in Akron described the distinction as follows: "Burning building? Call 9-1-1. Burning Question? Call 3-1-1."
Many cities also accept 3-1-1 comments through online interfaces. An Open 311 application programming interface is also available for these services.

Source: Wikipedia


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