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Popular Songs
- I'm Not Alone Without You
- (They Don't dance Much) The Violent Ones
- Shake Ghaddafi's Blues
- Mr. Diamond
- Il Ne Porte Pas Ses Nylons Négligés
- But You Know
- Eve of Destruction
- Beat Your Brain Out
- What Never Happened
- Eternal Yesterdays
- Art Minus Idiots
- Shadow or a Man
- Your Prick Makes Me Sick
- [untitled]
- The Great Chomeini
- Signs & Toys
- Three Floors Down
- Cold Steel to the Heart
- 39 Progress of a Psychotic
- P.L.O.
- Aspettando Godot
- A Touch of Rot
- Psychotic Louie Louie
- Virtuous Girl
- Past Tense Hopes & Instant Fears on 42nd Street
- Look into You
- I Love a Girl
- Stupid Art
- Radical Student Mob in Satin Boots
- Out of Sight