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Sleepy Lagoon lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 11 on Aloha Hawaii
- 10 Polynesian Fever
- 12 The Moon Over Manakoora
- Track 1 on The Romance of Hawaii
- 2 Moon of Manakoora
- Track 10 on Romantic Songs of the Sea (Summer Cruise)
- 9 Sweet Leilani
- 11 Noche en Majorca
Popular 101 Strings Orchestra Songs
- Rudolph, The Red Nose Reindeer
- The Sound Of Music
- Still, Still, Still
- The Christmas Song
- Jingle Bells Fantasy
- Strolling Through the Park
- Yuletide Greetings: Good King Wenceslas / O Come All Ye Faithful
- A Disappointed Love With a Desensitized Robot
- Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
- Sophisticated Lady
- see all by 101 Strings Orchestra
Sleepy Lagoon Video
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